Le Benefique Tea - Rose & Blanc Tea Room
Le Benefique Tea

The promise of a travel through your senses
Le Benefique is, first of all, the experiment of an incredibly tasty and completely artisan infusion. Taking care of yourself is a process going through a lot of little pleasures, sometimes even unnoticeable. Forget about what gets you apart from the world whether it’s time or space. With a simple sip and thanks to the purity of the infusion, you’ll be connected to nature and evade everywhere, especially where you would have never guessed you would travel.

The gathering
The plants we pick up for you, dehydrate in our workshops and prepare to be sent are carefully selected in the most secluded spots of the earth. Local populations have a deep respect of their environment and are willing to listen and to feel the very true essence of every stem they grab. The steps of the collecting aim to preserve the plant and offer you the tastiest and authentic experience possible.

The Stems
Le Bénéfique is the only brand to Offer infu-Sions coming from the plant's stems. There is no transformation, no alteration. When the stem is freed in the water, it expresses itself in colors and flavours that are it's Own: pink, yellow, turquoise
Every infusion is a new Odyssey
The gathering places are protected from industrial overproduction in order to leave nature operate itself and regenerate by its own. The plant's natural growing time is respected and not once is over solicited for consumption needs. If a flower doesn't get enough stories to tell because it couldn't have enough water or received enough sun- light, we wait for the next season to gather it. How would infusions be so colorful and full of emotions without that? If there is a privilege, it's having the chance to try tastes like these ones.

The promise of a travel through your senses
Le Bénéfique is, first Of all, the experiment Of an incredibly tasty and completely artisan infusion. We collect the rarest plants, some- times even endemic. At the very moment Of its infusion in hot water of your mug, its deep nature will reveal its most precious flavors to you. Taking care of yourself is a process going through a lot of little pleasures, sometimes even unnoti-ceable. Forget about what gets you apart from the world whether it's time or space. With a simple sip and thanks to the purity of the infusion, you'll be connected to nature and evade everywhere, especially where you would have never guessed you would travel.
Rose & Blanc Tea Room is authorized Le Benefique US dealer.
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